20230419 - cannot log in, and looking at the forum, it appears others have been having this problem for a while. You can reportedly host your cast files on static hosting, but I’m not sure of the details.
Learned about the sweet free and open source «@Asciinema» service today, which lets you record your terminal sessions for sharing. Read on for a few tips. 🤩
Create an account at https://asciinema.org by supplying an email, click on the link in an email you will receive to create an account, then give yourself a username. This creates a profile URL like: https://asciinema.org/~rickcogley
If you use macOS and brew, install with brew install asciinema. ASCII Cinema, get it?
Run asciinema auth and open the link that appears in the terminal, in the browser where you are logged into asciinema. This links your localhost with your account, so when you make a screen recording on that host, it will be linked and appear when you are logged in. You can see what localhosts are linked in the “recorder tokens” section in Settings in the web app:
Recorder tokens
The following recorder tokens have been associated with your account:
c06f...d4321 registered on Tue, 18 Aug 2020 04:19:44 Z - Revoke
Record a session by issuing asciinema rec -t "Title of the Session" changing the title to taste. Press ctrl-D to exit, and you’ll get a message like: