Rick Cogley's Tech Logr

Short Technical Laser Bursts %%

RC Logr 20190209 145421

Saturday, 9 Feb, 2019

I installed the TMK programmable controller into my PFU HHKB Happy Hacking keyboard, and it works a treat. After a basic test, you create your map online and download the resultant unimap.hex file from that page, switch the ‘board into program mode using the red button on the controller, and then do dfu-programmer atmega32u4 erase --force, dfu-programmer atmega32u4 flash unimap.hex, and dfu-programmer atmega32u4 reset. After that, it just works. I put an English keycap set on this originally Japanese keyboard, so that I can have arrow keys, since PFU does not sell an English HHKB with them. Many thanks to Hasu!

RC Logr 20190209 145421 - I installed the TMK … Rick Cogley
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